Friends are the most valuable things in the world......
Wanna be a friend with me? 能做個朋友嗎?
德衡 --- 教會中非常要好的朋友,相識超過十年,也曾經幫我解決許多許多的問題,他當然是我的好朋友啦.....希望我們能在信仰中加把勁......
焯明 --- 相識在小五到今,是一個非常好的基督徒,應該不曾試過遲到教會或無到(夸大小小),但真是十分勁,非常欽佩他。
永安 --- 讀聖經能手,曾經以六個月時間讀完整本聖經......What a great JOB !!
Secondary School (Ying Wa College)
Chiang Loong --- 電腦神童,也非常喜歡畫畫,所以他的 homepage 十分Professional and attractive,每當遇到電腦的難題,他總是能輕易解決。Now he is studying computer in Poly University, I am sure he can explore more in these aspects.....
Bernard Li --- 數字神童,對數字的記憶非常敏感,如果要查電話號碼,call him and you will get your no, I am sure......Now he is an auditor in a very famous audit firm....My best partner in Study......
才女 --- 一個好有藝術家風格的建筑系學生,足球技術也相當勁,現在在中文大學讀建筑.......
Matthew Cheng Man Tak --- 一個好有主見的人,能夠決定許許多多的事情,常常成為我們的領導人。他也是一個十分有勇氣的人,現在他在Advertising firm, showing his talent.....He is also a football bug, and his skill is always improving and very great ar.....=) Hope he will become thinner and thinner.
Fong Eric --- 熱愛 Microsoft 和 Bill GATES 的電腦迷,My best friends also.....he is now a qualified programmer, and I think he should be able to help you in many computer areas.....
Walter Kwong --- A computer student studying in the HKU now. He has quite many interest is same to me gar.....
Lee Lok Nin --- 乒乓能手,UST CIVIL 學生,非常勤力,好有前途......
純恩 --- An IE student in CUHK. Very good in Maths and maybe is the most cleverest in YWC in our year. Even me also cannot compete with him.....
FOK --- A very good tutor since I knew him when I was F.4 (At that time he was a F.6 guy). He was the excellent tutor and the Chairman of the YAG......
There are still many many good friends....... in the YWC ...... and I have passed many many good times out there.........?
Inter school Maths Society
I am also happy to meet the chong mate.....where eric was such a happy guys bring us so many happiness, eva such an eric's flower....., vivian such a kind chairperson, and Mimi such a diligent girl.....Sampras (wa long time no see tim), christo....such a good nurse student and anna ..... and also david who is now studying abroad.....
CC Big O' Camp 2000
首先當然是我的同組Kylie,她是非常好玩和好講得。此外,我的一班組仔組女,他們都好投入大O,希望我們的組聚會好多好多,好玩好FUN,也希望我能融入他們,唔會有gap La。
CCBA Group 6 in 2000
第二年做CCBA的組爸,心情唔同,但一樣好開心,好好玩。班組仔組女玩得很放,我們更獲得尋寶冠軍,你話?他們真係勁wow。 重有盡責盡力的輔導員la,Wendy你好強ka>>>>>>>>
Outward Bound JADE
This summer I feel very happy to know them...They are the best team I ever know (BUT 頹),We have free -riderS(many many) la....Monkey la....Consturction Worker la...SUperman and SUperwoman la...Professional PACs la....Too much to say......and our leader Joan...
Plymouth London Tour.....
Although I went there just by myself....But I could make some friends there la...Staff are great and students are nice and smart......
特別鳴謝: London Tour & Torquay Self Trip....
PS: Joyce (You got a scholarship? Very Envy haha...) , Clare (Work Hard and Be a Postgraduate La!)
He is same year, same department, same chong with me la....And this year is my second year to live with him....I always find that he is a great person and more mature then me gar.....Hope our living will be ever good as last year la....!!!!!
CCBA Group 7 in 1999
好開心今年成為他們的組爸,他們都是一群非常活躍的學生,好組仔,好組女。希望我們將來會有許多許多組聚啦.......Simon arrange more group gathering also thx for Gary, Samson, 美怡 and Rachel.......
CUPL Chinese University Premier League
They are my "chong" mates in the year 1999 to 2000. We are working for organizing a football match for interdepartment. The workload is really heavy and I really need to say thanks to those my "chongmate" to help me ...... We have our great Operation___Yan Yee, PR___Gloria, Promotion___Steve and Keung, Marketing__Catherine and Bernard......Financial Secretary__Wai.......hahahaha sure win .
Manley Study Center Group
這是我在中七做 summer job 時識的一班朋友,當時,我們為DR P.H. 寫英文書,做Clerk 的工作,渡過了一個快樂的summer time.....
This was really a great time during work with Edmond, Henry, Cici, Anthony, Solider, Betty and Alice.....They are really very nice.
And I am amazed that we can still keep some contact and gathering at recent time....
LSP他們是我宿舍的層友,Johnny & 樹根,Paul Sir & 力,重有 林中青 及 Tom 七 。
Though I was not always in hall, I really enjoyed the life there with them....!!
CCBA Group 8 in 1998
他們是我第一天踏足中大識的朋友,玩得都十分開心。雖然小些組聚,但我會珍重這分友誼的........Hope we will keep our friendship long.....and long and long....
Big O Members.
They all come from CC college and all from different faculties. This can widen my eyes in many aspects..... 小明, Florie, KC, Mandy, 勇, 東, 婷, Vienna, 獅子, Yin, Hey Yin, Angela......
CCBA C-Square Cabinet Members...
CC we are the best....Ever we go ahead.....Never we trun rest.....Together we say Yes......Yes......
They are my best CU co-workers and work very hard for the CCBA They are JOJO > Nancy < Kathy = Angus > Jan > Thomas > Brenda > Ray > Celina > Ken > Stanley......
Hope our Friendship Forever.....>>!!!!!
Copyright (C) 2002 Adrian. All rights reserved.